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Content switcher manipulates the content shown following an exclusive or “either/or” pattern.

Content switcher

  Copyright IBM Corp. 2016, 2018

  This source code is licensed under the Apache-2.0 license found in the
  LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.

<div data-content-switcher class="bx--content-switcher" role="tablist" aria-label="Demo switch content">
  <button class="bx--content-switcher-btn bx--content-switcher--selected"
    data-target=".demo--panel--opt-1" role="tab"  aria-selected="true"  >
        <span>First section</span>
  <button class="bx--content-switcher-btn"
    data-target=".demo--panel--opt-2" role="tab"  >
        <span>Second section</span>
  <button class="bx--content-switcher-btn"
    data-target=".demo--panel--opt-3" role="tab"  >
        <span>Third section</span>

Content switcher with icon

  Copyright IBM Corp. 2016, 2018

  This source code is licensed under the Apache-2.0 license found in the
  LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.

<div data-content-switcher class="bx--content-switcher" role="tablist" aria-label="Demo switch content">
  <button class="bx--content-switcher-btn bx--content-switcher--selected"
    data-target=".demo--panel--opt-1" role="tab"  aria-selected="true"  >
      <svg class="bx--content-switcher__icon"
      width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16" xmlns="">
      <path d="M7 7H4v2h3v3h2V9h3V7H9V4H7v3zm1 9A8 8 0 1 1 8 0a8 8 0 0 1 0 16z" fill-rule="evenodd" />
    <span>First section</span>
  <button class="bx--content-switcher-btn"
    data-target=".demo--panel--opt-2" role="tab"  >
      <svg class="bx--content-switcher__icon"
      width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16" xmlns="">
      <path d="M7 7H4v2h3v3h2V9h3V7H9V4H7v3zm1 9A8 8 0 1 1 8 0a8 8 0 0 1 0 16z" fill-rule="evenodd" />
    <span>Second section</span>
  <button class="bx--content-switcher-btn"
    data-target=".demo--panel--opt-3" role="tab"  >
      <svg class="bx--content-switcher__icon"
      width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16" xmlns="">
      <path d="M7 7H4v2h3v3h2V9h3V7H9V4H7v3zm1 9A8 8 0 1 1 8 0a8 8 0 0 1 0 16z" fill-rule="evenodd" />
    <span>Third section</span>




Name Description
.bx--content-switcher--selected Applies the "selected" styles to the content-switcher button


Getting component class reference

import { ContentSwitcher } from 'carbon-components';
With pre-build bundle (carbon-components.min.js)
var ContentSwitcher = CarbonComponents.ContentSwitcher;


// `#my-content-switcher` is an element with `[data-content-switcher]` attribute

Public Methods

Name Params Description
setActive item: HTMLElement, callback: Function Uses data-target attribute to show a content panel using the given CSS selector. Non-active targets will be hidden. You can also pass in an optional callback function, see FAQ for details
release Deletes the instance and removes document event listeners
Example - Changing the active item
// `#my-content-switcher` is an element with `[data-content-switcher]` attribute
var contentSwitcherInstance = ContentSwitcher.create(document.getElementById('my-content-switcher'));
// `#my-content-switcher-btn-1` is one of the `<button>`s with `bx--content-switcher-btn` class


Option Default Selector Description
selectorInit [data-content-switcher] The CSS selector to find content-switcher
selectorButton input[type="radio"], .bx--content-switcher-btn The CSS selector to find the content-switcher buttons
classActive bx--content-switcher--selected The className for a selected button
eventBeforeSelected content-switcher-beingselected Custom event fired before a button is selected in content-switcher
eventAfterSelected content-switcher-selected Custom event fired after a button is selected in content-switcher


Event Name Description
content-switcher-beingselected Custom event fired before a button is selected in content-switcher
content-switcher-selected Custom event fired after a button is selected in content-switcher

Preventing a content switcher item from being selected in a certain condition

document.addEventListener('content-switcher-beingselected', function(evt) {
  if (!myApplication.shouldContentSwitcherItemBeSelected( {

Notifying events of all content switcher items being selected to an analytics library

document.addEventListener('content-switcher-selected', function(evt) {
    action: 'Content switcher item selected',


Name Description
bx--content-switcher--selected The className for a selected button


Preset an active button and panel with HTML

While SCSS and JS are setup, you can configure Content Switcher and its associated content through the HTML.

Each bx--content-switcher-btn has a data-target value with a selector for a panel element. When one of these buttons is clicked, then it will show the panel that the data-target is pointing to.

For example,

The first button has a data-target pointing to .demo-panel--opt-1. When clicking the first button, the JavaScript will find the DOM element using the given data-target selector and display it while hiding all other panels using the hidden attribute.

Below is an HTML setup for Content Switcher that will do the following:

  • Select the first button by default (as indicated by bx--content-switcher--selected class)
  • Show the <div class="demo--panel--opt-1"> element
  • Hide the other elements
<div data-content-switcher class="bx--content-switcher">
  <button class="bx--content-switcher-btn bx--content-switcher--selected" data-target=".demo--panel--opt-1">Option 1</button>
  <button class="bx--content-switcher-btn" data-target=".demo--panel--opt-2">Option 2</button>
  <button class="bx--content-switcher-btn" data-target=".demo--panel--opt-3">Option 3</button>
<div class="demo--panel--opt-1">Show Option 1</div>
<div class="demo--panel--opt-2" hidden>Show Option 2</div>
<div class="demo--panel--opt-3" hidden>Show Option 3</div>

Preset an active button and panel with JavaScript

Use setActive class method to preset the selection on a Content Switcher; doing this will avoid manually adding bx--content-switcher--selected modifier class and hidden attributes on HTML.

<div data-content-switcher id="my-content-switcher" class="bx--content-switcher">
  <button class="bx--content-switcher-btn" data-target=".demo--panel--opt-1">Option 1</button>
  <button class="bx--content-switcher-btn" data-target=".demo--panel--opt-2">Option 2</button>
  <button class="bx--content-switcher-btn" data-target=".demo--panel--opt-3">Option 3</button>
<div class="demo--panel--opt-1">Show Option 1</div>
<div class="demo--panel--opt-2">Show Option 2</div>
<div class="demo--panel--opt-3">Show Option 3</div>
// Get HTMLelement for button to preselect it with setActive
const button = document.querySelector('[data-target=".demo--panel--opt-2"]');
// Initialize an instance of ContentSwitcher with init(), create(element) or new ContentSwitcher(element)
// Grab an ContentSwitcher instance
const instance = ContentSwitcher.components.get(document.getElementById('my-content-switcher'));
// Use setActive

The setActive method also takes an optional callback function parameter. The most typical example of using this is acting on a newly selected content-switcher button.

contentSwitcher.setActive(button, function(error, item) {
  if (!error) {
    // Having no error means that content switching is not canceled, so go on…
      .focus(); // `item` is the newly selected button

Using buttons or anchor elements are both fine

Content Switcher can be implemented with either <button> or <a> elements for its click targets. Both uses of HTML will render the same visual styles and interactions.

<div data-content-switcher class="bx--content-switcher">
  <a href="javascript:void(0)" class="bx--content-switcher-btn bx--content-switcher--selected" data-target=".demo--panel--opt-1"
    >Option 1</a
  <a href="javascript:void(0)" class="bx--content-switcher-btn" data-target=".demo--panel--opt-2">Option 2</a>
  <a href="javascript:void(0)" class="bx--content-switcher-btn" data-target=".demo--panel--opt-3">Option 3</a>
<div data-content-switcher class="bx--content-switcher">
  <button class="bx--content-switcher-btn bx--content-switcher--selected" data-target=".demo--panel--opt-1">Option 1</button>
  <button class="bx--content-switcher-btn" data-target=".demo--panel--opt-2">Option 2</button>
  <button class="bx--content-switcher-btn" data-target=".demo--panel--opt-3">Option 3</button>