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Radio Button labels and headings should be set in sentence case, with only the first word in a phrase and any proper nouns capitalized.

ClassFont-size (px/rem)Font-weightType style
.bx--label14 / 0.875Semi-Bold / 600.bx--type-zeta
.bx--radio-button__label14 / 0.875Normal / 400-


ClassPropertypx / remSpacing token
.bx--radio-button__appearanceheight, width18 / 1.125-
.bx--radio-button__appearance:checkedheight, width8 / 0.5-
.bx--radio-button__labelmargin-right16 / 1$spacing-md
.bx--radio-button__appearancemargin-right8 / 0.5$spacing-xs

Structure and spacing measurements for Radio Button | px | rem

The following specs are not built into the Radio Button component but are recommended by design as the proper amount of space around a grouping of or in between stacked Radio Buttons.

ClassPropertypx / remSpacing token
.bx--radio-button-groupmargin16 / 1$spacing-md
.bx--radio-button__labelmargin-bottom16 / 1$spacing-md

Recommended structure and spacing measurements for Radio Button | px | rem