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Select typePurpose
DefaultTypically used in forms with a variety of other components.
Small selectWhen vertical space is a concern, or Select is being paired with larger component, such as Cards or Data Tables.
Inline selectWhen multiple selects are grouped together.

Small select

Small selects are commonly used in Data Tables. When using a Small select for a number selection, the increments in the select should be 10, 25, 50 and 100. The maximum amount of items a user can see per page is 100.

example of Small Select in Data Table

Example of Small Select in Data Table

Inline select

Inline select is useful when you have multiple select fields within a form. Inline selects have less visual weight on a page, since stylistically they are borderless.

example of inline select

Example of Inline Select

General guidelines


Labels are essential to the usability of forms because they provide guidance to the data a user might provide. Do not place a label inside a Select element. Use sentence case and no more than three words.


Real time validation helps to streamline the process and keep data clean when the user is filling out forms. For full guidelines, refer to the Forms usage page.

validation on select element

Validation on Select


The order of the Select list should be based on the frequency of use. If applicable, the list should be in increasing order relative to the content. In cases of Forms, alternative orders such as alphabetical may be more fitting. A horizontal rule can be used to group similar items together.


Styling Select dropdowns

It is strongly recommended not to style Select dropdowns due to accessibility purposes. One of the WCAG 2.0 standards for accessibility is “Ensuring keyboard control for all functionality.” CSS alternatives to `select` elements to not meet this requirement.

While you can make a Select element easily usable by a mouse, making it usable with keyboard navigation is complex. The default select element should follow this process:

:hovermove your cursor over the select elementuse the tab key to focus the select element
:focusclick on the select elementpress enter
:move your cursor over the desired optionuse the top and bottom arrow keys to pick an option
:selectclick on the desired optionpress enter