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  • Row height varies based on content, and can expand to fit multiple lines.
  • Column widths can either be equally proportional or proportioned based on content.
  • If your list extends past 25 items, consider using a Data Table to present this larger set of content.
  • A maximum of one paragraph of text is recommended.
  • Nesting items is not recommended, as Structured Lists are used to present simple data. If you have additional content that needs to be shown, consider using a Data Table, which supports nesting items.

Structured List Structured List to present definitions


Structured lists can be single-select if a user is choosing between a set of options.


  • Only one item can be selected from the list.
  • By default, one option should be selected.
  • If you need to select multiple items, use a Data Table.
  • When the user selects an item from the list, the selected row will appear with the checkmark--glyph icon.