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Text inputs come in two different colors. The default input color is $field-01 and is used on $ui-01 page backgrounds. The light version input color is $field-02 and is used on $ui-02 page backgrounds.


Default and user input states for Text Input in both field colors

Examples of default and user-input states for Text Input in both $field-02 (left) and $field-01 (right)


.bx--text-input[data-invalid], .bx--text-input[data-invalid]:focusbox-shadow$support-01#e0182d
.bx--text-input:focus ~ .bx--labelcolor$brand-01#3d70b2

Active: Placeholder text should remain when the user clicks into the text input and gets a cursor. Once the user starts typing the hint text is replaced with the user input text.

Help text: Help text appears below the label when the text input is active. Help text remains visible while the input is focused and disappears after focus away.

Error: Error messages appear below the input field and are always present while invalid.

Disabled: Disabled state appears at 50% opacity and has a .not-allowed cursor on hover.


Text Input labels and placeholder text should be set in sentence case, with only the first word in a phrase and any proper nouns capitalized. Text Input labels should be three words or less.

ClassFont-size (px/rem)Font-weightType style
.bx--label14 / 0.875Semi-Bold / 600.bx--type-zeta
.bx--text-input14 / 0.875Normal / 400-
.bx--form__helper-text12 / 0.75Normal / 400.bx--type-caption
.bx--form-requirement12 / 0.75Normal / 400.bx--type-caption


ClassPropertypx / remSpacing token
.bx--text-inputheight40 / 2.5-
.bx--labelmargin-bottom8 / 0.5$spacing-xs
.bx--text-inputpadding-left, padding-right16 / 1$spacing-md

Structure and spacing measurements for Text Input Structure and spacing measurements for Text Input | px / rem

Examples of active, help, error and disabled Text Input states